| | | |
NML.s |
Link9 executable for Macintosh (dnw). Used to build the
Link executable in
../bin. |
ML.s |
/usr/MAC/Link9 executable for Macintosh. |
NELY.s |
Linker object file to be used with Ldo for debugging or
cross building, for systems that use Arch9.a. |
AM.s |
Link.y for Amiga, 68000 code only. |
MK.s |
Link9.y for Minimum for debugging or cross building. |
NELM.s |
/usr/sys/Link.y for Minimum ROM system. |
NEL.s |
Link9 executable for Minimum. |
NELY12.s |
Link12.y for Motorola Unix. Use k=12, or
k=-12 for debugging or cross building. |
NNL.s |
Link_n cross built executable for NeXT. Uses
Link15.y made with "NELY.s 15". |
Link_t cross built executable for Torch. |