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The source files contain more details about program usage than the brief comments here.

Generic Programs

Some of these files load Iolib.a, which contains the "most used traps", those that were used in common for standard IO functions by the Amiga, Macintosh, and the defunct Minimum. It also includes some extra traps used by the Macintosh Micro Shell, and possibly by the Minimum, which are however not used by the programs in this section. Some of the files include a "Unix" option k=-1, which omits Iolib.a and supplies global labels appropriate for linking with an IOst.y assembled for any of the Vsys systems in IOst.a. That includes the Atari and the NeXT.

We believe, but have not tested, that it would be consistent with the functioning of the programs in this section to add the k=-1 option to those that do not have it. And that the option would function correctly with the three "most" systems as well. If so, Iolib.a could be retired in favor IOst.a.
Iolib.a A version of standard IO which includes the traps used in common by the Amiga, Macintosh, and Minimum. Has only one conditional assembly switch, which includes or excludes a couple of global labels.
Abs.a Convert binary file data to block object code.
Afile.a Convert a Motorola-style S-file into an absolute file. See Sfile.a.
Archive.a Collect the files listed in Search into a compressed archive file. See Extract.a.
Binary.a Check if files are binary, i.e., contain 0 or a negative character in the first 32 bytes.
Cbitmap.a Compare bitmaps and locate differences.
Cflist.a Compare two file lists containing creation times, sizes, and names.
Cmp.a Report differences between two files.
Crlf.a Convert linefeed, carriage return, or combination.
Das.a Disassembler for M68000/68020/68881.
Days.a Compute number of days between two dates.
Ddif.a Compare lengths of files in two directories, with optional creation times.
Divide.a Divide a file in smaller parts.
Extract.a Extract individual files from an archive made with Archive.
Fcap.a Search files, or the file Search, for words starting with an upper case character, with options.
Fdif.a Compare two files line by line.
Flag.a Show flag use in files listed in Search.
Fnames.a Search for a list of nonalphanumeric delimited names in the files mentioned in Search.
Fnamesp.a Another version of Fnames.a.
Fstring.a Search for a nonalphanumeric delimited string in files listed on the command line or else in the file Search.
Ftob.a Convert f77 fortran files to block object format.
I.a Command line interpreter for the A computational languge.
Map.a Print loading map. Obsolete, better done with Stats.
Mfile.a Encode a binary file as ASCII.
Mifile.a Decode an ASCII-encoded binary file.
R50.a RAD50 conversion.
Reguse.a Count register usage in a source file.
Set81.a Activate M68881 coprocessor.
Setime.a Change creation time of files.
Sfile.a Convert an absolute file into a Motorola-style S-file. See Afile.a
Stats.a Show the amount of memory required by a program in a block object file.
Strip8.a Strip the eight bit of possibly binary characters in a file.
Stripb.a Remove trailing blanks and tabs on lines in a file.
Tabs.a Replace tabs by blanks in a text file.
Tail.a Print the last n lines of a file.
Vlib.a Library program for block object files.

System or Device Specific Programs

These programs depend on system data formats or command syntax, paths such as /usr/FLOP/, RAM disks, printers, floppies, communication ports, etc.
Adtime.a Add dates of files in Dlist to file names and write to Dlist.t.
Atari.a Read and write Atari floppies.
Cpibm.a Copy files obtained from a dump to an IBM floppy.
Copy.a Prepare a command file x.x for copying from the current directory to another directory.
Copyt.a Copy one file to another only if the latter has an earlier date or is nonexistent.
Cpt.a Compare two files for creation time.
Cutfil.a Shorten the log file.
Date.a Get or set time and date. Atari, Minimum, Unisoft only.
Dotpr.a Prepare a file for a dotmatrix printer.
Dump.a Dump all files listed in the file Flist to /ram or a file.
Gezel.a Something to do with Macintosh file signature.
Gotoif.a Interpret if <expr> goto in command line scripts.
Hi.a Print jobs contained in log file.
Histo.a Print histogram report.
HPagin.a Prepare text files for HP deskjet printer.
IBM.a Read and write IBM floppies.
MacCom.a Communicate with a port, supposedly connected to a modem.
NewDlist.a Create command files Dlist and DLIST_ from Dlist.t produced, presumably, at another machine.
Pages.a Separate a file into pages for printing.
Pagin.a Printer formatting with sections, pages, and footnotes.
Pt.a Send and receive files through a communications port.
Readx.a Program used by Tra to transport ascii files.
Remove.a Create command file to remove files from current directory.
Repairec.a Repair of bad floppy records.
Tibm.a Translate letters for Diablo printer with IBM printwheel.
Timecheck.a Check if the clock has changed by more than a week since this program was last called.
Timorder.a Order files by time of creation.
Tr.a Combine files into x.x for transport. Obsolete.
Tra.a Make a transparent tty connection to another machine.
Tri.a Inverse of Tr.a, resplit the file x.x.

Command Files

AM0.s Amiga startup preparation.
MDLIB.s Make Fcheck, Format, and Pt in /usr/bin/.
NEWB.s Make executable in /usr/bin/ that requires linking with Iostd.y.
NEWR.s Make executable with options in /usr/bin/ that requires no external linking.
NMAC.s Make executable with options in /usr/MAC/ that requires no external linking.
TRY.s Test script for Gotoif.a.

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